Friday, December 30, 2011

Bad Moon Rising

Jackhammer has never been accused of being finicky.  If a buddy shows up at the campfire with a cooler full of Milwaukee's Best, then it's time to unleash The Beast.  To me, the quality of the company is far more important than the quality of the food or drink.
That being said, Jackhammer also believes that everything has an ideal state... a pinnacle of perfection.  Vodka should be Russian, served neat.  Scotch should be single-malt, distilled in Scotland.  Tequila should be 100% blue agave, imported from Mexico.  Most importantly, moonshine should come from North Carolina. 
In Jackhammer's neck of the woods, the moonshine industry has thrived for generations.  Everyone in my county agrees that the sheriff makes the best.  So did it make any sense at all that the only pathetic excuse for moonshine that could be legally purchased was some disgusting corn whisky from Georgia?  Give me a break!

Friends, there is an island of sanity in a world gone crazy.  The local stores are now selling Midnight Moon, which may very well be the finest North Carolina moonshine to ever pass your lips.  This Nectar of the Gods is being produced by Junior Johnson, and if you don't know who he is then you are not likely to understand very much of this post. 
Midnight Moon is faithful to our southern culture and tradition, except for the obvious fact that the government taxes on this product have been paid in full, and you don't have to worry about the revenuers catching you with it.  Proudly crafted by the Johnson family's "very own hands," it is made in small batches, triple-distilled in a copper still.  Each mason jar bears Junior's printed signature and a hand-written batch number. 

Friends, this is good shit.  Close your eyes and take a drink.  It reminds me of NASCAR, of twisty mountain roads, of pine trees, of pulled-pork barbeque... it tastes like home.  Jackhammer was so excited he ran out and purchased several variations of the fruit flavors to sample, including the strawberry, blueberry, cherry, and cranberry pictured here.

Midnight Moon contains no artificial flavors, coloring, or extracts.  Nevertheless, it is 100 Proof Grain Neutral Spirits, except for the Apple Pie flavor pictured here, which is 70 Proof.  The Apple Pie flavor seems to be particularly coveted; Jackhammer had to visit four different stores to purchase this last surviving jar. 

More information can be found at  This stuff can kick your ass, so please enjoy responsibly.

Saturday, December 24, 2011

The True Meaning of Christmas

Friends, Jackhammer wishes all of you a very Merry Christmas!
I have the warmest wishes for everyone, despite the fact that the stores in my area began setting up their Christmas decorations on October 1 -- and I am ready for all this to be over. When I was young Christmas didn't start until after Thanksgiving... but then again, record levels of consumer spending in 2011 leads me to conclude that those merchants got what they wanted most by making the holiday shopping season three months long.

Today's local newspaper got me thinking about this issue once again. The houses in my town have an annual contest to see which house can have the most lavish display of Christmas lights. Congratulations to the Sacca family, who took this year's first prize. Everyone agreed that their latest addition, a giant electric ice-skating snowman for the front lawn, is what put their house over the top.
According to the article, the Sacca family estimates that their Christmas decorations add about $300 a month to their electric bill... other families recently featured on the TV news reported that it costs them over $1,000 a month to power their displays.

You guys know what I'm going to say next, but lest you brand me a hypocrite I must tell you about a gift I received several years ago from my aunt and uncle. I ripped opened the card, expecting to joyfully pluck out some cold, hard cash... or at least a gift card. Instead, I found a certificate certifying that a $25 donation to the Rescue Mission had been made in my name. I was mad. I felt like I'd been ripped off... some homeless fucker had ended up with my beer money.

So what did you ask Santa for this year? Unfortunately, in our soul-sucking, spiritless society, Christmas has been all about the loot. Kids don't care about the true meaning of Christmas... I sure as hell didn't. I wasn't worried about what I could give to the less fortunate... I was excited about what I was going to get. I wanted Santa to bring me everything on my list, even a puppy.

As Jackhammer has matured, I have tried to make amends for my greed. This is the second year in a row that I have organized a major food drive at my office. It has become an annual event that runs from Thanksgiving until the Christmas break. This year Jackhammer personally delivered 322 pounds of food to the Food Bank, down from 388 pounds last year. At first I felt bad about the decline in what I was able to extort from my co-workers, because this year the need is greater than ever. But then again, there are far fewer of us in the office this year... about half of us were laid off in 2011. So all things considered, Jackhammer delivered the food and declared victory.

The Sacca family parents said they worked very hard on the extravagant Christmas display "for our children." But what are those brats really learning? Jackhammer struggles mightily with this issue because the secular circus is becoming increasingly nauseating to me as I age, and I am trying, albeit in very small steps, to make Christmas the way it should be. But then... then I remember the joy of being a child on Christmas morning. Am I really willing to thumb my nose at the traditions comprising the very foundation of American culture?

Am I willing to be branded a "Scrooge" or a "Grinch" for refusing to participate in the annual orgy of consumer spending? Am I willing to to stand up and boldly declare that we are spending our money on all the wrong things, and the way we're squandering our resources does absolutely nothing to honor the birth of Christ? Friends, Jackhammer is nearly there... my paradigm shift is almost complete. In the meantime, however, I will continue to send my own teenage nephews their beer money.

Friday, December 23, 2011

Letter to the Public

Loyal Readers,

Yes, Jackhammer is back! I know how happy you must be to finally see some new posts. However, as bad as I hate to do so, I must pause to chastise those of you who have been badgering me continuously to resume this blog. If you are one of my loyal followers who have been patiently waiting, you may disregard the remainder of this letter; it is directed at my legion of fans who have incessantly begged me to continue without reprieve (you know who you are).

I understand that you are hungry for new knowledge, and that you depend on the wisdom in these posts to guide you through life. Still, you must remember that Jackhammer is a very busy man. and delivering high-quality classroom instruction is my top priority. Due to the hectic schedule of events requiring my personal appearance, I have had to forego posting my online lessons to some extent. I expect you to understand that my professional commitments must trump my desire to post additional blogs for you - no matter how desperately you may want them.

I know most of you will be nursing hurt feelings after being scolded by Jackhammer. Please do not be distressed. I assure you that all is forgiven, and my fondness for you remains undiminished. Remember that "the Lord disciplines those he loves, and he punishes everyone he accepts as a son" (Hebrews 12:6). 

In any event, I have a huge backlog of items to post, and I will do my best to disseminate as many of these articles as possible over the Christmas break. I have started with the most requested item, "Apocalypse Socks," the long-awaited sequel to "Apocalypse Footwear." Rest assured, other posts will follow soon -and I thank you in advance for your patience and understanding.


Apocalypse Socks

I am pleased to present the most anticipated blog in the annals of history: Apocalypse Socks. Yes, you are finally getting to read the sequel to my wildly popular blog Apocalypse Footwear. My fans who have bombarded me with requests for more information about how they should care for their feet after TEOTWAWKI are being rewarded!

Most of you will likely be surprised at these recommendations. It is common knowledge that Jackhammer is a huge fan of "technical" fabrics. I own multiple items from Under Armor, Reebok, Magnum Research, Eotech, etc., and have found technical fabrics to be vastly superior to natural fabrics (such as cotton) in every way. High-tech fabrics are durable, moisture-wicking, quick-drying, comfortable, and wrinkle-free. I have adopted these undergarments with increasing enthusiasm, and seldom wear anything else when performing any strenuous physical activity.

To cut to the chase, here is the advice you've been begging for: When it comes to socks, Jackhammer strongly recommends natural merino wool. The Smartwool brand, pictured here in the "Trekking" variation, are my personal favorites and the only socks I buy anymore.

I have been wearing Smartwool socks on a daily basis for approximately 15 years. Although these socks will give you many years of dependable service, they do get progressively thinner over time. The socks pictured on the left are brand-new; the socks pictured on the right are Smartwool Trekking socks after approximately three years of service.

It should also be noted that Jackhammer's socks accumulate wear and tear at a greatly accelerated rate. My whole family has discovered the joy of wearing my Smartwool socks. My wife and daughter often wear them in lieu of bedroom slippers in the evening, and my son won't wear anything else with his hockey skates. His aggressive skating in hockey has caused most of my older socks to develop holes near the heel area, at which point they should be discarded and replaced.

Although they are pricey, approximately $20 per pair for the thickest "Trekking" variation, they are worth every penny. I am speaking from experience here. In an attempt to save money I have experimented with diverse other brands, such as the Under Armor and 5.11 Tactical boot socks pictured here.

Unfortunately, I have found that there is simply no substitute for natural merino wool. In this case, nature cannot be beat. Your feet will stay warm in winter and cool in summer. In a pinch, these socks can be worn for many days at a time and your feet will remain comfortable. On extended hikes spanning a week or more, I have found that they can be renewed by simply washing them out in a creek, pond, or any other water source. After being hand-washed and air-dried, they are once again fully serviceable. When the grid fails, you will appreciate this feature!

In summation, my friends, don't cut any corners when it comes to your feet. Stockpile plenty of these socks - as well as the footwear recommended in the earlier post - and you won't have any problems with your feet after the apocalypse.