Monday, January 2, 2012

The Last Line of Defense

Friends, Jackhammer hopes for the best, but prepares for the worst.  Pictured above are some typical Every Day Carry (EDC) items that are favored by Jackhammer... on any given day, he is likely to be carrying all or most of this crap on his person.  Don't tread on me.

Most of you habitually carry a wallet and cell phone on a daily basis... but have you thought about those items from a preparedness standpoint?  A Smartphone, for example, increases your capabilities exponentially compared to a regular cellular phone (see my earlier blog on this topic).  And your wallet?  Are the two bucks in your wallet really going to get you out of a jam, or do you carry enough cash to deal with a real emergency?

I suppose Jackhammer's list of recommended EDC items would make another excellent post, and I will do so if there is sufficient demand for this topic.  But for our purposes, let's suppose you're carrying your usual EDC loadout and suddenly find yourself in the middle of a zombie outbreak, alien invasion, or are attacked by a gang of ninja assassins.  Picture yourself fighting for your life when you run out of ammo... your automatic knife jams... the wind blows your pepper spray back in your face... you break your baton after landing several hard hits in the melee... what do you do then?

This must be the situation envisioned by the numerous manufacturers who are now selling these "tactical pens."  The hardened steel tip is ideal for breaking glass or for piercing the skulls of attacking zombies.  However, once this pen is sticking out of the head of the co-worker who was trying to eat your brains, it will be difficult to retrieve.  Therefore, there is this:

The "stabby kitty" keychain is, most assuredly, one of the most lethal weapons known to man.  In case you are unfamiliar with this device,  you stick two fingers through the kitty's eyes and then slash and stab at your adversary with the pointy ears. 
I have never used my "stabby kitty" in anger, although I assume it must be pretty dangerous.  They have been banned by the TSA, so if you're planning to highjack a plane with one of these you will need to come up with another plan.  Nevertheless, this keychain is officially endorsed by Jackhammer.  It is an effective, inconspicuous, lightweight, deadly weapon that will almost always be with you... and a great fallback weapon when everything else fails.  Welcome to the last line of defense!


  1. Nice to see that the Stabby Kitty is finally getting the recognition it deserves.

  2. Personally, I think showing the wallet to your opponent would have them fleeing in terror...
