Friends, the republican party is in real trouble these
days... real trouble. The percentage of
white voters has fallen below 50%, as has the white birth rate. Most babies being born in America's hospitals
are minorities, and that trend continues to steepen. White parents are opting to have fewer
children, or not have children at all... and those who do chose to conceive are
waiting longer and longer. The
percentage of Americans who self-identify as Christian is at an all-time low,
as the percentage of atheists is growing steadily. In short, the conservative base is drowning,
and it looks like we're going down for the last time.
It has become apparent to the republican leadership that the
party will not survive without the support of at least one major minority
group. The consensus is that our best
hope lies in the rapidly growing Hispanic population, as they are predominately
Christian (Catholic), they denounce abortion, and virtually all Hispanic
children are raised in two-parent households.
In some ways, they do share our conservative values.
Thus, it appears that the republican hopes for the future
have been securely pinned to the water-guzzling Senator of Cuban decent, Marco
Rubio. Will he be able to win the
Hispanic vote for the conservatives?
Friends, if you believe that then you are living in a fantasy world. I hate to break the news to you guys, but all
Hispanics are not the same. We harbor
Hispanics from Puerto Rico, Cuba, South America, and Mexico. They are very different, and they do not
think the same way.
The republicans seem to think that advancing a conservative
Cuban is the answer... and that the Mexican vote can be solidified by selling
out to Obama and endorsing his amnesty campaign for illegal immigrants. No matter who pushes for the assimilation of
the illegal Mexicans, it is a recipe for total disaster. The most reputable studies cite data showing
that the average illegal immigrant household receives $46,582 in government
subsidies while paying only $11,469 in taxes:
Right now every man, woman, and child in America is burdened
with $53,400 in federal debt... my family of four owes $213,600 that will never
be repaid, and that number is increasing exponentially as Obama is steadily "moving
forward" with his second-term agenda. So what is wrong with
adding 11,000,000 new citizens that will be heavily dependent on taxpayer-funded government
services to survive? What can
possibly go wrong the this democratic power grab on an epic scale? Who wouldn't want the
US to turn into a giant Mexico?
It's okay, right? The
Mexicans love Americans, right?
Once they become citizens, those fuckers will vote a
straight democratic ticket. As assuredly
as the sun sets in the West, the future of socialism will be assured, along
with our government's financial defaults, bankruptcy, and economic
collapse. Who gives a fuck? The Glory
Days can't last forever, can they?
All the republicans promise is the freedom to pursue your hopes and dreams
with minimal government interference.
The democrats, conversely, promise to give you the money you need to
perpetuate the endless cycle of generational poverty, along with the endemic
culture of victimization and helplessness.
Would you rather have freedom, or a weekly government check in your
I hate to be the first one to say this, but Marco Rubio is a
loser. Every ethnic group in America
that claims a history of abuse and oppression is going to vote for the
political party that provides the most government-funded benefits, not the
political party that promises the greatest level of freedom. Voting for Obama's amnesty legislation isn't
going to win these parasites over to the conservative side of the isle... and
neither is a bumbling presidential candidate of Cuban decent.
So, at the end of the day, the republican party must
continue to thirst for a leader that can unite our nation and restore what we
have lost. Where will we find another
Ronald Regan to pull us back from the brink?
In Marco Rubio? Stay thirsty, my
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