Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Ten Arcane Skills That Will Be Lacking After the Apocalypse (listed in order of importance)

1. Beer Brewing / Wine Making / Liquor Distilling. I’m talking about making beer, wine, and liquor from scratch. Sure, I’ve brewed a few batches of homemade beer… but I use pre-packaged, premeasured ingredient kits so that doesn’t count. I’m talking about brewing and distilling from nothing but the rawest of materials… wild wheat, barley, corn, and other grains. Moonshiners will have an advantage here…

2. Farming and Gardening. How many of us know anything about farming any more? The family farms are disappearing rapidly, replaced by mega-farms owned by corporate conglomerates. How many people under 40 know how to prepare, plant, maintain, and harvest a garden? And then “can” the produce in mason jars to eat during the winter months? My guess is less than 5 percent. Why bother when you can buy three cans of green beans for a dollar at Food Lion all year long?

3. Metalworking and Fabrication. Remember when they used to teach “metalworking” in high school? Not anymore… now we just shove the little shits behind computer keyboards. But even with guys who are reasonably handy around the house, how many of them can actually fabricate a needed part from raw metal stock? Even technical tradesmen have evolved into a “remove and replace” mindset… they run tests to find the bad component and swap out whatever failed with a new one. But what if new parts become unobtainable?

4. Gunsmithing. It should be fairly easy to find a good gunsmith in a city the size of Raleigh, right? No? What if you expand your search into to surrounding communities of Garner, Cary, Apex, etc? Maybe you know something I don’t, but the closest gunsmith I’ve found that will repair a non-functioning firearm is in Fayetteville – 90 minutes away. I’m assuming the police and other agencies that use firearms must have their own in-house gunsmith… but I submit that this skill is becoming a lost art. I guess I should also include the ability to reload spent shell casings into this category.

5. Alternative Medicine / Herbal Pharmacology. Americans are demanding free, high-quality healthcare for all, right? Well… good luck finding a skilled urologist after the apocalypse. People have become used to running to medical specialists for their every ailment… and the old-fashioned home remedies have been abandoned (even the ones that worked). How many of us know how to gather medicinal herbs in the wild, and/or administer them appropriately? Or how to set broken limbs? You get the idea.

6. Sewing. How many women under 40 know anything at all about sewing? How many college-age girls can sew a dress? My mother and grandmother used to store hundreds of patterns and sew all different kinds of clothes from whatever materials were available. The younger generation, conversely, cannot stitch torn pants, replace a zipper, or even sew on a button.

7. Butchering and Buccaneering. I think buccaneering is the right word. The original buccaneers were the dudes who smoked and dried meat to sell to sailing ships, right? But how many modern citizens know how to butcher and clean an animal? A few hunters who actually eat their prey, I suppose… not the ones who shoot deer just to cut off their antlers. But even fewer people can turn meat into jerky for long-term storage.

8. Orienteering. This was actually a PE class at my university, and I’ve always wished that I had taken it when I had the chance. How many of us can navigate across vast tracts of wilderness? If you think you can because you have a road map and a GPS, you’d better think again. The roads will be impassible with abandoned cars…bridges and tunnels blown… gasoline and GPS batteries unattainable… so your AAA map isn’t going to be much help. I’m talking old-school navigation here. Look at the sun, the stars, the planet Venus (which is visible even in daylight)… maybe even learn how to use that old thingy… what’s it called? Oh – a compass!

9. Barter and Trade. This is a closely guarded secret, but I might as well let the cat out of the bag since the end is near: the money in your wallet hasn’t really been worth anything since 1933 when the United States government abandoned the gold standard. Our modern currency only buys us things because, in our minds only, it is somehow worth more than the paper it’s printed on. But after the apocalypse people will see “floated” money for what it really is… so barter and trade will form the basis of post-apocalyptic commerce. But this too is a lost art… I’ve practiced it at the car dealership a few times, but nowhere else.

10. Archery / Snaring / Trapping / Fishing. In this broad category I’m going to place every way that man ventures into the wild and secures protein without modern luxuries, like firearms and ammunition. Sure, you can shoot a rabbit… but can you set a snare line and trap them? Can you dig a bear pit that works? Can you fashion a fishing pole from an old tree branch and dig grubs as bait?

Again, these skills were once commonly known among the American people… the same Americans who baked pies from scratch, repaired their own cars, and even made their own lye soap. The end of the world is approaching once again (in 2012 this time). Better learn these skills now while you still can.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Rise of the Evil Machines

Last time I heard, the state of North Carolina didn’t have two nickels to rub together. Maybe that explains the aggressive “Powersave” features of my arch-nemesis: the network printer.

If this machine isn’t used every 30 seconds, it goes into “Powersave” mode – which basically means that it shuts down and won’t do a damn thing until it warms back up again. I often become enraged when I’m standing in front of it waiting for my document to print. While I fidget in the workroom, the printer’s LCD screen slowly scrolls an endless list of stupid messages every fucking time I try to print something:


All this drama before printing is very confusing to me. If the printer really does need to constantly clean, calibrate, and do a bunch of bullshit to itself, why doesn’t it do those things when nobody is using it? Why does it wait until I’m trying to print the final draft of my report, seconds before The Big Meeting, to perform all those stupid maintenance tasks? Better yet, can’t it do all that crap after it prints my document so I don’t have to stand there waiting for it to finish masturbating?

But even after I finally get the printer to function, I’m not out of the woods yet: The only thing worse than the network printer is the office copier.

Like the network printer, the copier automatically switches into “sleep mode” to save electricity whenever it’s not in constant use. Somehow it is able to slip into “Powersave” mode in a split second… but then it mysteriously takes several minutes to warm up whenever anyone needs to use it. Then, like the printer, it’s got to calibrate itself, check toner levels, and do 10 other self-maintenance tasks that it could have been doing when nobody was using it.

I’m wondering how much money the state is saving by activating these tree-hugging features. I’m guessing that these infuriating lapses into “Powersave” are saving the government about five bucks a month in electricity costs. A good thing, right? But when you consider the fact that the state is paying me $4.50 an hour for my time, and that I have to stand there doing nothing while the office machines slowly fight their way back to consciousness, the overall savings are either negligible or non-existent.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

10 Reasons Why Leroy Should Get a Blackberry

By now everyone knows that the Research in Motion (RIM) Blackberry is the “Swiss Army Knife” of the modern cubicle dweller. Yes, I know I may hear some crap from the iPhone crowd, but the Blackberry is my “weapon of choice” because:

a) It’s been business-oriented since its inception (allowing me to seamlessly integrate all my work, university, and personal shit onto one device), and

b) I don’t want to have to deal with AT&T (and if you go with the iPhone, you have no other choice).

But now that I’m making lists, I might as well get to the main point of this blog. Here are 10 reasons why Leroy should get a Blackberry:

1. It’s an awesome MP3 player… superior to the iPod in many ways. It will, for example, play any radio station streaming over the internet (hundreds of them) in real time – while showing you the song lyrics and everything! Buy and download the music you like while you’re listening. I bought a 16 GB Micro SD card… I’ve loaded over 1,000 songs onto it, and it’s not even close to full capacity. Listen to music over the built-in speaker, or just plug in your headphone and rock out. It’s always with you, right? No need to carry a separate iPod device.

2. Closely germane to #1, you have multimedia capabilities. Need a 3.0 megapixel camera – with a flash? Built right in. Leave that antique floppy drive shit at home! There’s plenty of room on the 16GB Micro SD card. Need a video camera? Built right in. Need a tape recorder? Built right in. Buy a Blackberry and you become a walking Best Buy store!

3. Native applications (major). It comes with a bunch of standard productivity software I find incredibly useful. Need an address book with infinite pages? Got it. Need a calendar and appointment book? Got it. Need to generate a few “to do” lists? Got it. Need to check all eight of your email accounts? Go for it! The Blackberry with synch with them all!

4. Native applications (minor). These make the Blackberry a Swiss Army Knife. Think of all the other little shit you’ve always got right at your side. Need a calculator? You got one. Need a memo pad to write something down? You’ve got one. Need an alarm clock? You’ve got one. Need a flashlight? You got one. Need a paperweight? You got one. Need to open a bottle of beer? You’re S.O.L. (which is a MAJOR design flaw in the Blackberry case design)!

5. It’s the ultimate USB flash drive. Need to truck a PowerPoint presentation to the meeting? No problem. How about some Word documents… and a few Excel spreadsheets? No problem. Need somewhere to store your porn? No problem. Download to the Blackberry in USB mode and you’re good to go.

6. Entertainment during boring meetings. Send secure text messages making fun of the boss. Play cool games like Tiger Woods PGA Tour (parental discretion advised), Brickbreaker, video poker, solitary, or hundreds of other games. Or why not just surf the internet? Check the BCCA chapter postings and see if anyone found any cool dumpers last weekend. Write a new blog. Turn useless time into fun time.

7. Unlimited information. Aside from being able to Goggle stuff at will, you get free downloads from mainstream media. Currently my Blackberry gets regular news updates from USA today (awesome!), the BBC, CBS News, and Time magazine. But you can link to just about any news source you want and get automatic updates. And don’t forget the new “natural disaster app” and other alerts that can be sent straight to your phone. Just remember that with great power comes great responsibility…

8. It’s a GPS. No kidding, the Blackberry Tour is also a GPS. Need turn-by-turn directions to the titty bar? No problem. Want to consult Google Maps to find the nearest ABC store? No problem. Want to see real-time weather radar maps centered over your current location? No problem – and the Blackberry will even throw in a five-day forecast free of charge.

9. Communication and Networking. The world wants more Leroy! With a Blackberry, you always have ready access to Facebook. You can update your FB status while you’re taking a crap. You can send and receive Twitter tweets instantly throughout the day. You can take cool photographs and upload them straight to your Facebook page… or email the photo directly to selected friends. Or send the photo along with a text message. Better yet, you can receive texts, pictures, videos, etc., from your friends instantly – from anywhere in the country. With a Blackberry, you’re never out of touch.

10. I almost forgot. It’s a phone! But not just any phone. Most carriers offer affordable plans that include free long distance… with unlimited nights and weekends. We never use our land line for long distance calls anymore, and the money we used to pay for long distance service every month pays for a good chunk of my cellular plan. We could talk more often… and could communicate during a zombie invasion, asteroid strike, or other major emergency.

I know Leroy doesn’t like cell phones because “they’re rude.” I agree that many people don’t seem to understand cell phone etiquette… that’s why local businesses have started posting signs like “please conclude your cell phone conversation before approaching the teller,” or “we will be happy to assist you when you have finished your cell phone conversation.” Yes, I get pissed off on a frequent basis when assholes refuse to follow cellular etiquette… but that doesn’t mean I should refuse to get a Blackberry because of their rude actions.

Leroy should do what I did… get a Blackberry and use it appropriately.