Saturday, November 3, 2012

Time for a Change

We all know that Jackhammer is into preventive maintenance in a big way... I think it is important to take care of your shit.  However, I have found one important aspect of automobile maintenance that had escaped my attention -- the cabin air filter.

I change the engine air filters in my vehicles every six months, regardless of their appearance... but did you know the interior ventilation system uses air filters as well?  The photo above shows how nasty the cabin air filters can get if you don't bother to change them for a few years.  As an added bonus, I was also able to remove a plastic grocery bag that had somehow managed to get sucked into the interior ventilation system.

I'm a big do-it-yourselfer.  The Honda dealer charges 1.5 hours of labor, or about $125.00, to change the cabin air filters on a CRV.  Jackhammer found a YouTube video showing how easy it is to change it yourself in about 30 minutes.  Total cost?  About $13.00. 

Do what Jackhammer did... change your cabin air filters and enjoy some fresh air!